The new system would fulfill Office of Personnel Management objectives to make it easier for employees to move in between agencies or in and out of the private sector.
Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon was put under fire at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing as he justified proposals that target federal employee retirement.
Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon proposed that Congress enact four changes to reduce retirement benefits or require employees to pay for a larger portion of those benefits in a May 4, 2018, letter to the House.
Registered Financial Consultant Ann Vanderslice explains the qualifications for and results of the hybrid Civil Service Retirement System Offset system, explaining how to calculate the benefits of Offset service.
Congress is back in session and, as usual, the members have introduced a flurry of bills, some of which would affect federal employees and retirees if they were passed and signed into law.
Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said that the proposed FY19 pay cuts would serve as an avenue to balance overpaid entry-level workers and underpaid high-level workers.
Registered Financial Consultant Ann Vanderslice explains the requirements, arrangements and potential incentives surrounding an agency's offer of voluntary early retirement.