The following is a question submitted by a Federal Times reader to columnist Kevin Moss, a senior editor at Consumers’ Checkbook and expert on federal employee health insurance plans for civil servants, retirees and their families.
The question and response have been edited for clarity and confidentiality.
A Fed Times reader asks:
“I am a retired federal employee with 27 years of service. My specific question is concerning my BCBS insurance.
At 62 I am going to file for Social Security. At what age will I be forced to give up Blue Cross Blue Shield, FERS-health insurance benefit? Isn’t this medical insurance for life?
If not, what options are given to me? And will I be responsible for the entire premium, or will OPM continue to cover a portion of the premium?”
Kevin’s response:
Filing for Social Security has no impact on your existing retiree health benefits coverage.
You’ll continue to pay the enrollee share of premium and the government will continue to pay their portion of the premium.

Have a question about your FEHB plan or the federal insurance marketplace? Send your query to
Kevin Moss works for Consumers' Checkbook, a nonprofit dedicated to helping consumers make informed decisions. He leads the production of Checkbook's Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees, a decision support tool that helps federal employees and annuitants find the FEHB plan that's the best fit.