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Pelosi: 4-year maximum in speaker post is ‘a long time’
For weeks, the 78-year-old California Democrat had resisted opponents' demands that she step aside or restrict how long she'd serve, saying limits would make her a lame duck and sap her bargaining clout. But on Wednesday she relented and struck a deal.
GOP campaign arm reports ‘cyber intrusion’
"The cybersecurity of the committee's data is paramount, and upon learning of the intrusion, the [National Republican Congressional Committee] immediately launched an internal investigation and notified the FBI, which is now investigating the matter," spokesman Ian Prior said in a statement.
2018 CFC Chair wants to make donations personal
Peace Corps Director and 2018 Combined Federal Campaign Chair Jody Olsen wants to make the 2018 charitable giving season, which runs until Jan. 11, 2019, about making a personal impact.
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