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President Trump and first lady test positive for COVID-19
Trump’s positive test comes just hours after the White House announced that senior aide Hope Hicks had come down with the virus after traveling with the president several times this week.
US carries out the 1st federal execution in nearly 2 decades
The U.S. on Tuesday carried out its first federal execution in almost two decades, killing by lethal injection a man convicted of murdering an Arkansas family in a 1990s plot to build a whites-only nation in the Pacific Northwest.
GSA’s first data expert is leaving government
The General Services Administration's first chief data officer, Kris Rowley, will be leaving for the private sector after nearly two decades of government service.
Insight Is 2020: What feds should watch for in the new year
Many of the issues and initiatives that featured prominently in 2019 have the potential to carry over into the new year. Here are some of the major sticking points feds should keep an eye on.
TSA in queue for the cloud
The Transportation Security Administration's current plans to ween off of its legacy IT systems require "elasticity of storage and computing capability."
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