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NDIA’s Norquist explains the harm of a continuing resolution
How do temporary spending measures impact military suppliers? We ask that and more of the Pentagon’s former comptroller.
Joint chiefs vacancies loom amid Tuberville’s Senate standoff
Sen. Tommy Tuberville's blanket hold on military confirmations could create as many as five joint chiefs vacancies. Here's what happens next.
How the Marines will use uncrewed tech, according to acquisitions boss
The Corps’ experimentation with systems that require no crew comes as part of an ambitious revamp of the service.
Lawmakers worry about weapons makers’ ability to meet demand
Industry representatives say a lack of contract adjustments hurts companies by depressing wages.
By Joe Gould
Budget reform panel at work after ‘organizational problems’
A select panel exploring a revamp of budgeting practices is making “significant progress.”
By Joe Gould
Air Force leaders pledge to fix hated MyEval software
An updated myEval 2.0 is coming soon, with fixes for some of the app's biggest issues.
Defense industry to launch inflation relief push in Congress
“Deterrence doesn’t work when we handcuff the Department of Defense’s hands," said one industry representative.
By Joe Gould
Norquist to serve as acting defense secretary; acting service secretaries named
The three current service comptrollers will serve as acting secretaries as well.
By Aaron Mehta
Here’s why Biden’s first defense secretary may be a Trump appointee
President-elect Joe Biden’s first defense secretary may turn out to be President Donald Trump’s last deputy defense secretary, at least for a several days.
By Joe Gould
Norquist issues guidance on breakup of CMO office
The deputy defense secretary has laid out his plan for breaking up the chief management officer's organization.
By Aaron Mehta