“I’m 63yrs old receiving USAF Reserve retirement (computation that included 10yrs of Active Duty). I did 8yrs as a GS-11 until RIF when organization was disbanded and bought back my 10yrs AD. I Did NOT return to civil service. Can I now apply for FERS retirement based on 18yrs of svc (8yrs as GS + 10 AD bought back) OR does the 10yrs I bought back NOT count since those 10 yrs of USAF active duty were also used in the computation of my Reserve retirement?

Reg’s Response

Here’s the good news. The fact that those 10 years of active duty service were used in the computation of your reserve retired pay will have no affect on your entitlement to a FERS annuity based on a combination of your actual FERS and the active duty service for which you made a deposit. You were first eligible for that annuity when you reached age 62, so you should waste no time in applying for it now. To do that, go to www.opm.gov/forms and download a copy of Standard Form 3107. Fill it out and send it to OPM. The address is on the form.

Got a question for the Federal Times expert? Send inquiries to: fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

Reg Jones, a charter member of the senior executive service, is the resident expert on retirement and the federal government at Federal Times. From 1979 until 1995, he served as an assistant director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management handling recruiting and examining, white and blue collar pay, retirement, insurance and other issues. Opinions expressed are his own.

Reg Jones, a charter member of the senior executive service, is our resident expert on retirement and the federal government. From 1979 to '95, he served as an assistant director of the Office of Personnel Management handling recruiting and examining, white and blue collar pay, retirement, insurance and other issues. Opinions expressed are his own.

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