Federal Native

Long Term Care Planning Made Easy: Find a Plan That’s Right for You
The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) provides insurance coverage that reimburses for long term care in places like a nursing home, an assisted living facility, or at home. Purchasing coverage under the FLTCIP may help to protect your savings and assets as well as remain independent in the event you ever need long term care.
FEDVIP Dental Coverage Helps Keep You Healthy
As a federal employee or federal retiree, you take pride in your commitment to your country and serving others – but it’s important to take care of yourself, too. That starts with your own health and well-being, including your oral health. FEDVIP Dental Coverage can help ensure that you take care of your teeth and gums, which can, in turn, promote overall wellness.
Help Protect What Matters Most: Your Family
The prospect of needing long term care may be far from your mind today, but circumstances can change. With people living longer, the chances of you or an aging relative requiring this type of care increases, which may bring added responsibility for you and your family. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a long-range care plan in place.
Keeping Veterans and Active Duty Personnel Healthy and Productive at Work: The Key is an Active Workspace
Many veterans and active duty personnel work in an office or educational environment where they’re likely to spend a lot of time at a desk. Productivity is a top priority for these highly-skilled and motivated employees as they’re often trained in multiple disciplines and tasked with a range of responsibilities. With regular fitness assessments and possible service-related injuries to contend with, they’re also focused on health, wellness, and pain relief. That’s why active workspace solutions that encourage movement, collaboration and productivity are a perfect fit for any veteran or active duty personnel who wants to stay healthy and pain-free so they can perform at their best.
Achieving acquisition agility in the intelligence community
Acquisition agility is one of the six foundational priorities outlined by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in its recently released IC2025 Vision and Foundational Priorities. This vision mirrors the President’s Management Agenda, which directs agencies to not only strengthen the program management capabilities of the acquisition workforce but to also have the acquisitions themselves become more flexible and agile.
Why federal employees need professional liability insurance
While no federal employee likes to think it could happen to them, the scenario is all too common: Whether through an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint, an accusation of misuse of government funds, or litigation in the form of a civil or criminal lawsuit, federal employees are often targeted by allegations, complaints and investigations.
Start the fiscal year with an active office
With the fiscal year coming to a close, most government professionals are looking to make the most of their remaining office budgets. One of the best investments any office can make is in standing desks that help employees work at peak performance, ensuring the year ahead is as productive as possible.
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