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Watchdog: Ross misled on reason for citizenship question
According to an investigation from the Office of Inspector General, during congressional testimony three years ago, former U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross gave a misleading reason for why he wanted a citizenship question on the 2020 census.
Biden picks first person of color to head Census fulltime
President Joe Biden on Tuesday said he would pick the president of the American Statistical Association to lead the U.S. Census Bureau as it works toward releasing data from the 2020 census that will be used for redrawing congressional and legislative districts.
Watchdog agency says 2020 census is still on high-risk list
A watchdog agency on Tuesday again classified the 2020 census as high risk because of efforts last fall by the Trump administration to shorten the door-knocking and data-processing phases of the once-a-decade head count of every U.S. resident.
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